Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Plastic reduction - A humble contribution

In the name of God Most Gracious and Most Mercifull

Yesterday I attended a meeting where there were about 25 attendees. As usual drinking water bottles were supplied by the tea boy along with the tea.

While the meeting was going on one of the attendees said, "This is my humble contribution towards plastic reduction in the world". He showed the water bottle without opening.

Yes he decided not to open the bottle and return it back to the tea boy. What a fantastic message!

Let us explore what impact we can make if we all decide to make simple rejections like this.

- In the grocery shops and supermarkets we take so many plastic bags every day. Most of the time we put only one item in a plastic bag! Most of the time it is possible to greatly reduce the number of bags.
- How about using a public transport instead of individual car, at least ocassionally?
- How about closing the water tap while brushing / shaving?
- How about avoiding a PEPSI or COLA?
- How about using the backside of A4 papers for general use in your office?
- How about avoiding an email from printing?
- How about avoiding a plastic toy?
- How about buying a more durable product than the short life Chinese products?

If you look around there are a lot of things each one of us can do in this regard in our daily life. Practice this in your life and spread the message among our circle, specially among children. This is the need of the hour.

Please do share your suggestions / feelings in the comments column.

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Anonymous said...

Here are some more good practices:

- Make sure that you shutdown the computer before leaving your office.
- Put off the lights and A/C units whenever you leave the room.
- Try to avoid using A/C if it is not too hot. It is even healthier.
- Don't buy a photocopy machine for each department. Make it in the central secretariat of the company.
- Deliberately practice and reduce talking time in mobiles and phones.
- Reduce dining out.
- Reduce the use of disposable plates and glasses.
- Promote recycling as much as you can.

Unknown said...

All these efforts can be classified in to"3R"

- Reduce
- Reuse
- Recycle