Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rule number one: Life has ups and downs

Rule number one: Life has ups and downs

In the above graph, look at series 1, 2 and 3. If they represent the life of three individuals, you can see that all the three had ups and downs in their life.

Which series you likes for yourself?

Series -2 is person who just managed his life without major falls or major success.

Series -3 represents a person who falls but his ups are not enough. ultimately he ends up a failure.

Series -1 represents a case of success. Each time he fell, he tried hard to push his life up much harder so that ultimately he reached much suucessfull position in life!

Is this not the simple case of life, companies, organizations, parties ......? It is natural that some of our ventures fail. The solution lies in quickly realizing it and make necessary remedial actions immeditely.

If the fall is big you should work very hard to push the graph up. But if you take it easy and leave it for granted or do not work hard enough at critical times, the graph automatically falls down and down!

In malayalam we say "Thaan Paathi Daiwam Paathi". Yes, we have to do our part and then ask for the help from God.

It is not difficult to make a life graph similar Series-1 for a person with dedication, determination and hard work especially at critical stages in life.

Courtsey: Mr. kabeer from Center for Information and Guidance India(CIGI), while he made a presentation in Jeddah recently.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a divine natural law. See what holy Quran says:
Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves (Quran 13:11).